Map of paul journey in the book of acts 13

So this constitutes a separate section of this book. Paul s first and second missionary journeys map 14. John mark was a helper on paul and barnabas first missionary journey acts. An understanding of the chronological order of events in paul s ministry can be very valuable as a tool for the study of acts and paul s epistles. Acts 14 paul s first missionary journey gives us a introduction of the importance of missions inthe local church, reasons the church center moved from jerusalem to antioch and a map of paul s first missionary trip. If you are doing the map activity as we go through acts. Acts is the thirteenth chapter of the acts of the apostles in the new testament of the christian bible. Study the bible online using commentary on acts and more. Paul s third missionary journey and his voyage to rome map 15. Barnabas, and simeon who was called niger, and lucius of cyrene, and manaen who had been brought up with herod the tetrarch, and saul. They began the last phase of our lords great commission. Paul s four missionary journeys map began with his first one around 45 ad and ended around 6061 ad with his fourth and final voyage to rome. Black we need to repent from sin verses 2324 red salvation has been given.

Bible maps bible maps posted on newest links added map of israel in first century hold your pointer over a name on the map and if it is an active link most are hint if you just place the tip of the arrow on the word, it may not show as an active link, so make sure the arrow is on the word and the finger pointing icon. Feb 5, 2015 a map showing the apostle pauls first missionary journey acts. Acts, overview of pauls first missionary journey in the new testament during the time of paul the apostle. See where paul went on his missionary journeys and read the book of acts with a new perspective. The first missionary journey acts 14 takes paul from antioch to cyprus then.

Paul and barnabas first missionary journey map acts 14. Acts pauls first missionary journey bible history online. They preach first in the synagogues of the jews at salamis acts. Book of revelation john writes to seven churches in the province of asia. Paul s 3rd missionary journey took place between 54 ad and 58 ad, more than 1900 years ago. The book of acts ends abruptly with paul s awaiting trial before. This journey is described in the bibles book of acts, chapters and 14. Below is a comprehensive list of biblical places linked or related to the apostle paul s life and ministry. There mark left them and returned to jerusalem acts. Paul, as a roman citizen, possibly went to spain and back during his time under house arrest in.

Events in acts and other new testament books are placed in harmony. We look at the places mentioned in acts, taking them in alphabetical order. The apostle paul is an amazing individual who influenced christianity more than any other person short of jesus christ. Barnabas instead took mark on a mission to his home island of cyprus. At antioch, paul and barnabas are called to embark on what is known as the 1st missionary journey acts. Acts 14 pauls first missionary journey mission work and map. Sabbath day they go into to the synagogue and preach jesus and the gospel. The book of acts is a revelation from god of his will for the church through the inspired activities of firstcentury christians. From about 46 ad to 48 ad more than 1900 years ago, paul the evangelist undertook his first mission journey. Acts 17 background information with maps and images.

Paul s second missionary journey philippi, thessalonica, beroea, athens and. Each place is located on a map and then we note the people and events associated with that place. Philip explains a prophecy of isaiah, preaches the gospel of jesus to him. Paul and peter meet at the council of jerusalem to decide if gentile christians must observe the jewish law and customs acts 15. Acts pauls first missionary journey bible history. The pictures of christian activity that we discover in the book of acts are designed to instruct later generation christians as to what is normal activity for the church. Paul s missionary journeys map map of paul s all four missionary journeys. Interactive map of paul the evangelists 1st missionary journey. After paul and silas began paul s second preaching trip, they came to lystra where they found a young man named timothy who joined them on their journey. John mark deserted paul and barnabas in pamphylia and left the work acts 15. Pauls first missionary journey map first mission itinerary. Interactive map of paul s missionary journeys freebie. This journey is described in the bibles book of acts 18. Mouse over the red triangle next to the city and the corresponding scripture reference or summary will pop up.

Acts new american standard bible nasb first missionary journey. Map of the missionary journeys of paul the apostle in the first century a. Missionary journeys of paul from the book of acts wall. The spread of christianity in the first two centuries. Acts 14 paul s first missionary journey gives us a introduction of the importance of missions inthe local church, reasons the church center moved from jerusalem to antioch and a map of paul. Map of pauls missionary journeys bible history online. Click on any of the map markers and more information about that place will pop up. The issue of mark suddenly abandoning the first missionary journey will be the catalyst for the separation of the evangelists before paul s next journey acts 15. Mark then abruptly leaves the group and returns to jerusalem acts. A chronological chart of the time, people and places in the acts of the apostles and letters of the apostle paul. Interactive map of paul s three missionary journeys in the book of acts.

Luke, a companion of paul s on many of his travels. The journeys of paul maps of pauls missionary journeys and other. You can read about it in acts 14, and you can see it below. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The book of acts and the epistles of paul sometimes tell us the length of time between one event and another. Paul writes his first letter to the thessalonians the earliest new testament book. Paul s main companion on his first missionary journey was. While antiochene chrisitians sponsored paul s outreach to gentiles, the book of acts portrays the city and paul as subservient to the longstanding influence and traditions of the jerusalembased leadership, especially peter.

They went down to the seaport of seleucia and then sailed for the island of cyprus. We are a team of christians creating a visual journey through the bible as a resource for teaching all ages available for free download by anyone, anywhere at any time. Before you attempt to answer the questions below you should read these chapters in the bible and answer the questions at the end of each chapter found at the website answer the questions below and then click ok to send your answers. Read acts commentary using commentary critical and explanatory on the whole bible. See more ideas about missionary, paul s missionary journeys, bible mapping. The israelites cross the river jordan joshua bible, joshua 5, 1 samuel. Barnabas, simeon called niger, lucius the cyrenian, manaen a close friend of herod the.

Maps, acts, apostles, philip, samaritans, ethiopian, eunuch. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. Apostle paul, barnabas, and mark soon board a ship and sail to perga. By the time paul and barnabas were ready for the second journey acts 15. It records the first missionary journey of paul and barnabas to cyprus and pisidia. Pauls first mission bible mapping, missionary trip, bible history. Some of the many centres of jewish population outside israel the. Maps of paul s missionary journeys and other travels. However, determining the year in which an event took place can require some research. This acts map shows paul s first and second missionary journeys that are described in the book of acts.

Hold up the wordless book and point to the colors as paul told the gospel. They started to go out to the uttermost parts of the earth. While there are some areas of great detail of the acts of the apostles, many times you must use cross references to the gospels of matthew, mark, luke and john as well as some other epistles in the new. The new testament delineates at least fifty cities visited during his at least five major travels or missionary journeys. Now in the church that was at antioch there were certain prophets and teachers. The bible does not say why mark deserted, but his departure came right after a mostly fruitless time in cyprus acts. This missionary journey of paul happened after what luke had written in his letter to theophilus, this letter was to become known as the book of acts. He traveled from syrian antioch to derbe, and back again. One to the region of galatia acts and 14, one to europe acts 1618 and one to asia minor ephesus acts 19. Acts commentary commentary critical and explanatory. Acts 14 pauls first missionary journey mission work. Bible mapper is a fully interactive, highly accurate bible mapping system that helps you quickly and easily create customized maps of the holy lands or study a particular period and aspect of bible history.

Acts 2 background information with maps and images. Andy patton the first half of acts tells the story of the early years of the christian movement from the point of view of a variety of characters. Map, pauls 5th trip which was after the book of acts was. We will move paul to the city he goes to each week. This is a selftest on chapters 15 of the book of acts. Jesus died on the cross and was raised three days later. This class covers the missionary journey s of paul from the book of acts. Paul and silas visited derbe, lystra, and antioch in pisidia. This bible teaching skit gives the children a feel for the challenges and opportunities experienced by paul and barnabas during their visits to cyprus acts and lystra acts 14. Journey coloring page lovely acts verse by verse bible teaching audio 3 video. Paul s second missionary journey coloring page best of trace paul s missionary journey on the map kids korner.

Paul traveled through cyprus on his first missionary journey acts. A new map of paul s missionary journeys is a big upgrade from the printbased paradigm, giving you more details on demand and control over which routes are visible. The background starts with ancient roman provinces, then reveals roads and cities as you zoom in. The churches of galatia, to whom paul is writing in his letter to the galatians, were the churches that paul planted on his first missionary journey in the cities of pisidian antioch, iconium, lystra, derbe. Here is a summary and overview of the book of acts. Now in the church that was at antioch there were certain prophets and. Next they go to pamphylia and the other antioch in pisidia acts.

When paul and barnabas left antioch to go out on their first missionary journey, they started a new movement in the book of acts. Paul s journey under arrest from palestine to rome c ad5861. The book of acts tells how the multiethnic, international. Barnabas, simeon who was called niger, lucius of cyrene, manaen who had been brought up with herod the tetrarch, and saul. The pauls first missionary journey map outlines his first evangelical mission. Support me on patreon to download the song, a karaoke version, and the chord chart. In acts paul preaches the gospel to a jewish audience, while in acts 14 he does the same for a gentile audience. The book containing this chapter is anonymous but early christian tradition uniformly affirmed that luke composed this book as well as the gospel of luke. Apostle pauls first missionary journey map bible study. Provide a free high quality map of paul s first and second missionary journeys from the book of acts. Derbe paul and barnabas preached the gospel in this city acts 14. The book of acts records three missionary forays by paul. The second half, however, follows the missionary journeys of one remarkable person, paul.

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